Monday, October 10, 2011

Annuit Coeptis (God Favors Our Undertaking)

I have often found pleasure in analyzing the contemporary world around me. There are so many aspects to our existence which perplex my mind, and as many may agree, it leave us with more questions rather than answers.  Annuit Coeptis is my illustrative perspective on the modern world around me in which I carry out my existence.  Through this vision I employ satire to reveal the perils of our modern world.  The system of capitalism allows for the institutionalization of financial conglomerates to systematically repossess assets for re-integration into the system. In this way many of those who can relate to this misfortune are characterized by the figure of the pawn.  The pawn is born, achieves consciousness, and forced to traverse the nightmarish landscape or become reprocessed by an unforgiving force. Due to the notion that “God” “approves” our government’s undertakings, manifest destiny has made it possible to create this wonderful nation, and capitalism will make sure that there is always fuel to power its engines. After all racism, sexism, war, and genocide are all tolerable aspects of life as long as he who initiates them profits.

Annuit Coeptis

New World Order

Bourgeoisie Landscape

This piece is the third in a series of three. It is a charcoal drawing consisting of 4 panels of 8' by 4' sheets of paper. The imagery I have chosen depicts a nightmarish landscape to which there is no escape as a result of capitalistic conglomerates.